Sony has a multitude of different brands, labels, properties and products that it oversees, with the common drive to create a singular experience that envelopes everything they offer. Overall these projects created an immersive experience for players to tap into their favorite music, games, movies and more, no matter where they are. The final game provided enticing real-time events that could be modified at any point during runtime, across selected regions without restarts.
Date: 2021-2024
Platform: Windows
Role: Principal Unreal Engineer
- Creating framework for synchronized media experiences in high CCUs environments with minimal latency
- Developing pipelines and plugin libraries for custom popup events
- Mentoring coworkers while improving company coding practices to encourage growth in the team’s experience with the Unreal Engine
- Building and lead architect for variable-sized data blob storage for shared experiences
- Constructed a proprietary E2E system for dynamically serving and changing content/worlds in real time